#FirstSteps: Interview Questions for Git

Vaibhav Pandey
2 min readJan 16, 2021

You can use following to check your knowledge on Git, few links are provided at the bottom of the page for you to kick starting your git journey.

  1. What do you mean by Git? How can you use it?
  2. How Git is used for version control? How is it different from TFVC or SVN?
  3. What is the Git architecture and when you should use or not use Git?
  4. What is the use of .md and .gitignore files?
  5. What is a branch? What is the need of branching? Why not high performance teams use single/few branches?
  6. What is the difference between branch clone, fork and merge?
  7. What is a feature branch/What is the use of a Feature Branch and when should you use one?
  8. What do you mean by Git Head and how can you move it from different branches?
  9. How can you merge git branches? What happens with Git feature branch once code is merged to the main branch/trunk?
  10. What are common git merge strategies? Fast Forward, Squash, etc. and when to use which one?
  11. What are common git branching strategies?
  12. How can you avoid creating lot of feature branches?
  13. what is a feature toggle?
  14. What are common online git services and what are benefits of these services?
  15. How can you create a public git repo on Azure Devops, GitHub?
  16. How can you enable collaborative code development via online git services?
  17. What should you refrain from checking in to online git services?
  18. Tell me basic git commands/what are the basic git commands you use on a ddaily basis?
  19. How is distributed version control better than centralised version control? Think from flexibilities Git offers over centralised version control systems and let us know the benefits?
  20. How does Git manages its master branches on local and remote origin? This is a very important concept when you work with Git based online repos.

Look at Git concepts

Here is how you can setup Git(if you are a starter)

Here are basic/common Git commands



Vaibhav Pandey

vaibhavpandey.co.uk, 9x Azure Certified, work for a Tech major, never dull, sharpening my skills and loves sharing learnings in the simplest form.