#DevopsNotes: Assignments for a new Azure Devops Enthusiast
This article will try to provide you common scenarios you will face in day to day work while working on assignments as a Azure Devops Engineer. Following assignments lists down basic to advance scenarios. You may want to start very basic things and then gradually move towards advanced scenarios.
Understand what is Azure Devops portal
- Create an account for yourself on the Azure Devops portal.
- Create a organization within Azure Devops portal.
- Create a Azure Devops project within you Azure Devops Subscription
Understand CI/CD
- Create an Microsoft Hosted Agent
2. Create a Self Hosted Agent
3. Create a Jenkins based build using code hosted in Azure Devops/GitHub repos
Understand Infrastructure as Code
- Understand Azure CLI
- Create infrastructure using Azure Powershell CLI
- Understand IAC with Azure ARM Templates
- Create IAC using cloud platform agnostic tools — Terraform
- Create IAAS — VM instance using Terraform
- Create PAAS —AppService instance using Terraform
- Create IAAS —Azure Functions instance using Terraform
Understand Azure Devops Integration
- Azure Devops Boards to GitHub
- Azure Devops Pipelines to GitHub